This letter from Mommy and Daddy to Jaspurr was written on Sunday, March 23, 2014

Dear Jaspurr,

What a delight and joy you’ve brought to us over our many years together. I know that your journey has taken you to a different place and we don’t have you with us physically to pet and snuggle, but in our hearts and in our minds you live with us every day.

I’ve seen you in moments when I’m sad or down and am reminded of you whenever the sun is upon my face. I take in the love that is all around us and remember your lessons of letting the happy times sink in. You never missed out on the sunrays, as they cascaded through the window, and I too love to have them upon me.

It is hard sometimes to feel that we did everything we could, but I never saw you afraid and you trusted me completely, as we and the veterinarian battled with the cancer that had taken hold of you.

I know you never gave up hope and that is what carried us three along. Hope. During our hard road that passed, hope was not something to ever feel guilty about. You taught me to always have hope and even in the end, you’d never regret having it. It gets you up in the morning and helps you face the lonely nights. Hope and Love. Thank you for these two most special lessons.

I always thought it was me trying to save you and bring you back to health, but in many ways it was you saving me. Saving me from being sad on hard days, and encouraging me to think in healthy ways about life. You taught me so much and I know that although your time here with us has ended, you will continue to teach me new lessons. Lessons of love and hope, as we continue to remember all that you are and have always been.

Jaspurr, we miss you every day in every way. You were our sweet little boy. I still see your adorable face in my mind. Your love was the purest form I have ever known. Daddy and I speak of you very frequently and share memories of you.

You made our lives better, richer and full of happiness. You made us better people just by knowing you.

With all our hearts we will always love you.


Mommy and Daddy

This letter from Stacey to Bailey was written on Monday, March 17, 2014

Dear Bailey,

It is coming up to 22 months. 22 long, agonizing months since you ran away, disappeared into the air. I left you that morning with someone for the first time in the 3 1/2 years we were together and assumed without a doubt that you would be alright. I feel that it was just too stressful for you not knowing where I was and being in an unfamiliar place, so when you saw an opportunity to look for me or to get out of there, you took it. I haven't stopped looking for you. I hope you know that I think of you every single day and miss everything about you. The way you wiggled your butt to the way you shook your toys at your dish before you would eat and everything in between. The unconditional love you gave me every single day was more than I could ever have asked for and I so cherish the time we did have together. Not knowing what became of you has been the hardest reality I have ever faced and the guilt I feel can't be put into words. Every morning I wake up hoping that it was a bad dream, that you are still here. Thank you. Thank you for being my best friend and please know that if I could turn back the hands of time, I would do so in a heartbeat. The tears still flow daily and I don't know if they will ever stop or if I will ever get over this. I have all your toys and beds and will keep them with my memories...forever. I love you my little man and I will never forget you. They say that miracles happen so I wait by the phone every day for that call, saying you have been found. Never will I give up hope.



This letter from Debbie and Richard to Ripkin was written on Thursday, March 13, 2014

Dear Ripkin,

I miss you every day. It has been a hard winter with out you -- xc skiing and walking alone, sheep chores with out my buddy, and lonely car rides up Maine. No one to greet me when I come home from work! No one to follow me around the house and yard. Richard misses you too. You touched many lives in your short life--the neighbors and local dogs were sad after you left us. Your pictures keep your memory going!..We wil be putting your ashes and Abbys up Maine in the garden for your memorial! So long Ripkin! RIP


Debbie and Richard

This letter from Mommy to Arfie boy was written on Thursday, March 6, 2014
Arfie boy

Dear Arfie boy,

I never imagined how many things I would miss about you. I miss the way your beady eyes twinkled at me. I miss kissing your velvety snout. I miss you following me to the fridge and dancing for a tiny morsel. For the last week, I have especially missed you keeping my legs warm at night.

Remember the times we spent at the Cove? You shocked me when you just jumped in the water after the mangrove pods and tried to bring them all back up on the beach to me. Then you took off after that flock of pelicans and I thought you were going to run forever!!! But you came right back to me, very pleased with yourself. I think that was your first time off your leash!

It was all downhill after that, huh? You learned to leave farm animals alone and come along on chores with me. You sniffed out armadillos and lizards, and prepared for your last years running the ranch with me. Oh you were such a young'un then, I wish we had spent more time in the mountains together when you could have *really* enjoyed it.

Everyone misses you Toad. You spread so much joy in not just my life, but also your doggie friends and any two leggeds you met. How many times did you make children laugh at you by throwing your toys around the room and inviting them to play? How many dogs and cats have been your best friends? How many humans have you completely WON OVER to the small dog side? Not just that, but how many anti-dog people did you totally convince that dogs really could be *good*?

I am so thankful you chose me as your special human. No matter how many times in 13 years you spread the trash all over the floor, or how much I spent on your health care, or how much it hurts to miss you right now, I am so glad to have shared over a decade of love with you. You will always always be in my heart, and I never want to forget the love you showed me every day of your life.

I hope you are enjoying your time as an angel, but do you think maybe you could send me another sweet boy soon to help me through the next couple decades?



This letter from Peyton to Keltie was written on Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Dear Keltie,

I can't put into words how much I miss you. You were my first pet, and the 10 years I had you were the most wonderful. The last 2 months have been awful without you. I wish there was more I could have done. When I got the call that you most-likely wouldn't make it more than a week, I went in the bathroom and sobbed. I never guessed that I would never see you again. I simply went to bed. My mom woke me up the next morning, and said that you passed. I never got out of the car at your service, and I hope you forgive me. I don't know how much longer I can go without seeing your pretty little face. I hate Cancer, and always will. I hope you are happy up in Heaven. I can't wait to see you again.

Missing You,


This letter from Dad to Midnight was written on Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Dear Midnight,

I fell in love with you the moment I laid eyes on you. For over 13 years I was blessed to have you to play with, to hug, to kiss and to love. I'll forever be thankful for your presence in my life. Your love filled my soul with peace!

January 17, 2001 - January 22, 2014



This letter from Melanie to Morning Glory was written on Monday, January 20, 2014
Morning Glory

Dear Morning Glory,

I love you so much! I miss you very much right now. I wish that we could be together. I'm so sorry I wasn't able to be with you when you passed away but I hope you knew that I loved you very much. I miss you!



This letter from Mom to Rockie Rhodes was written on Friday, December 20, 2013
Rockie Rhodes

Dear Rockie Rhodes,

This will be the first Christmas I have been without you in a decade. You came to me at time when I needed you the most. I was very ill with this rare pancreas birth defect and did not know how long I would live. So you came into my life and right away you became my friend, my protector, and my snuggle buddy. I honestly believe that you were one of the main reasons that I beat the odds and survived not only the whipple in 2004, but am still here today. I miss you so much, but I am glad you are no longer in any pain from the stomach cancer. I will see you again one day, I know this in my heart. Always remember I love you "My Rockie Rhodes"



This letter from Mama, Daddy & Ty to Phibie was written on Thursday, December 19, 2013

Dear Phibie,

I had a feeling this morning when I left you, I wouldn't be coming home to see you sitting up waiting for me to walk in the door. I said my goodbyes to you every morning before I left for work and today was no different. The only thing I said different today to you was make sure you tell Nina that I love and miss her and I understand if you need to go to sleep sweet Angel. Last thing I remember this morning was petting the top of your head and feeling where my tears dropped on you. Those same tears were dropped on you as I wrapped you up in your blanket for the last time. I'm so thankful my Mama was here with you when you took your last breath. It broke my heart that I wasn't here with you when you left but so thankful you were not alone. Mom said if only I had been a minute earlier I would have seen you. You were still warm when I got to you.

I know you knew how much I loved you because I told you every single day starting with the day I brought you home. I remember Mom, Dad and Uncle Brant telling me " You don't need to get a dog your first year in College and having a dog is a big responsibility". Well, going to the shelter on Aug 15th 1999 and spending $40 on your adoption fee was one of the best decisions I've ever made. You stole my heart that day and you will forever remain there. You put a bright light in my life for 14 wonderful years. You picked a beautiful day to leave this world. The sun was out and not a cloud in the sky. Guess that was your way of telling me goodbye and still letting your light shine on me.

Phibie, there will not be a single day that goes by that you won't cross my mind. I'll probably never get over you but that's ok because nothing will ever take your place. Ty is sitting with me as I type wiping my tears. He knows I'm upset and I have him to help me get through this just like You and Ty both helped me when Nina passed. You will always be my first true love Phibie. I know you and sweet Nina are together again running and playing. Run Phibie Run!!! The Cancer took your leg and that awful infection took your life but nothing will take our memories. You will forever live in our hearts sweet Angel! Until we meet again Sweet Girl. Good Night and We Love You!


Mama, Daddy & Ty

This letter from Kim aka "mummy" to Chelsea was written on Sunday, December 1, 2013

Dear Chelsea,

I miss you so very much. It snowed this week, "Chelsea snow". It's my first winter without you. The snow used to make me happy because I knew how much you'd enjoy it. Pushing your face deep in to the snow and then pulling your head out, you'd always have a tiny pile of snow on the tip of your nose. Then you'd throw yourself in to the snow and lay on your back, wiggling back and forth to make snow angels. I hated the winter until you came in to my life. When I saw how much you loved the snow I began to love winter, because I began to see it through your eyes. Your happiness brought me so much joy.

Some people don't understand why the Chelsea-sized hole in my heart isn't knitting together. I don't know if it ever will. I know that hole was the price of admission for having you in my life and even though my heart is breaking, it's a price I'd pay again and again. Thank you sweet angel, for showing me the world through your eyes. I love you, I'll love you forever.


Kim aka "mummy"