Dear Callie and NIkki,
And this goes out to ALL of my friends who took great care, and continue to take GREAT CARE, of MY GIRLS... I owe you a world of gratitude, and love, for keeping them safe and happy. Whether I was heading out to sea, exploring the seafloor in a little submersible, locked in the NR-1 nuclear submarine, diving with the whale sharks and Manta Rays, flying to Hawaii or London, or simply exploring the streets of Philadelphia, New York City, or Lancaster, PA, I always knew you were SAFE....And thought of you often.
Anything else in this world is a relatively minor detail...
The Pack Leader and the Girls
Dear Callie, AKA the DINGO,
We miss you IMMENSELY... The 4 am wake up calls. The barks that sound like they are coming from the rabid beast from hell... Knowing you would guard this house from harm and intruders if it took your last breath... Your heavy panting all night long while laying on the tile floor next to my bed. Loving Little Scarlett and newly adopted Brown Dog Molly like they were your own. Teaching Molly the truly wonderful experiences in a dog life... Chasing every squirrel that tries to steal the bird food, and rolling on your back in the grass during the mid Day sun... she does both very, very well, but has yet to catch one of those furry tailed buggers, like you amazingly did three times... I am glad you went peacefully, and lived your 11 years to the absolute fullest... At 44, you are a reminder that I must do the same. Mom, Aunt Suzie, and Linda arrive here in 8 hours, after an early flight. Although it has been almost a year since you left, they all miss you and wish you were still here. This house will always be a safe heaven for family, friends, and stray hounds. And when we go to the beach, wade in the surf, chase the shorebirds, and sprint in random directions as fast as possible, we will wish you were still here. Dingo, you and Nikki were the greatest companions a mortal human being could have ever asked for...We will love you both dearly forever.
The Pack Leader,DCW, the Bigeye Thresher.
Little Scarlett Weaver
Molly Brown Dog Weaver
All of the Weavers
Dear Patty-Cakes,
The 17 years I had with you were the best of my life. Devastation doesn't even begin to explain what I felt when we had to let you go. You were a constant calming presence in my life. I loved everything about you, even when you got loose and wouldn't let me catch you. I even loved that you would never let me take your picture. I loved sharing my peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with you. I miss being groomed by you and how you wouldn't let me leave if you were still itchy. I miss hearing your knicker each morning. Lady has your stall now... and she whinnies to me every morning... but it is not the same. I love you with all my heart and I'm glad that you aren't sick anymore. But I miss you very much.
Dear Pepe,
The past week has been one of the worst periods of my life. The house is so quiet without your barks--and my whole world feels so empty without you in it. But I know that I do have to carry on without you. As I write this letter to you, I am trying to turn a corner: I hope to move away from the darkness of the grief, sorrow, and anger, and instead find a sunnier spot in which to honor your memory.
I'll never forget that moment when you and I first met. There you were, sitting in that cage, waiting for the next chapter of your life. I felt a connection to you as soon as I looked into your eyes and at your sweet face. You spoke to me immediately, and insistently. I didn't think I wanted a third dog, but you were able to convince me otherwise. You just could not be resisted. Making you a member of my family was one of the best decisions I have ever made.
You brought such joy and happiness to my life. Thank you. Your endless devotion to me enabled me to survive the loss of Kelsey. When she left us, you helped me see that I could go on without her. Now that you are gone, I hope that the remaining members of our family can do the same, as I struggle through your absence.
You were, and will always be, so very special to me, Mr. Peeps. I will forever miss our errand-running trips--I'll never get into the car and not think about you sitting right next to me, and not long for those special times we shared, away from the others.
You were my little drama boy, yet such a tough guy--way too big for your britches. If I can find just a sliver of your spunk and bravery now, for myself, I know that I can get through the loss of you.
I know that you are still here with us now, in some way, and that you will always be. But I wish that I could touch your soft fur, and see you again: sleeping on your bed, rolling around on my bed, begging for a bite of my dinner, running off with your chewie, laying in the warm sun, zooming around the cul-de-sac, or hear your greeting as you welcomed me home. For now, all I have is these wonderful memories of you. And they will have to do. Until we meet again, and I know we will. I love you, Pepe, Little Sheriff. You are so precious.
Your friend and Mommy
Dear Shiva,
You were the light of my life,the love of my soul and are eternally with me.
Coming from the shelter so many years ago we both embarked on a journey unlike any other I have ever known.
My sweet gentle soul, you made a difference so huge in the life of all humans that you met and the other animals around you. Without your presence and all of the wounds that you carried I would have never begun the path of animal healing- thank you for teaching me the patience and the perseverance that it takes to heal from abuse.
Enjoying life took on a new meaning when I saw you blossom .
You noble one, you wiggly butt, you sweetie boy, I see you dance in heaven !
Dear Katie,
It's been 20 weeks without you now. Oh sweetheart I miss you still. Sometimes I see your pictures and wish I could jump in. You were my teacher, my daughter, my friend and my protector. I wrote this poem shortly after you passed from my life.
I listen for the pitter patter of your little paws, but they're not there,I look in vain for the furry shadow that used to follow me everywhere.
I miss the belly rubs and even the walks in the cold.
I miss your big brown eyes that spoke to my soul.
I miss your goofy smile and your soft furry ears.
I miss the sound of you drinking from your water bowl.
The spot where you slept sits empty, forlorn.
Just like my heart.
All I have left are the memories and my tears.
Vacuuming your little furballs shoots arrows into my heart knowing there will never be more.
I miss your beg.
I miss sharing my meals with you.
Checking the mail is now a chore without you by my side.
The house is empty and silent and so is my heart.
I know you want me to live for two but how can I?
I don't know where to begin to have a life without you by my side.
It doesn't feel right.
It isn't fair.
I still feel this way sometimes. I still cry sometimes though I know you'd hate to see me sad. Even knowing the end, I'd do it all over again. Your love made me a better person. I still feel you with me. You'll always be in my heart.
Thank you for sending your furry "sister" Wendy to share the next part of my journey.
I love you baby.
Dear Rusty,
I came to this site knowing there was a beagle there. When I saw Pushkin it was like seeing you again the first time. Your spirit shone through his eyes. I thought I was doing so well...I felt like I'd been punched and couldn't breathe. I miss you baby boy. My Rusty Dusty Rusty Bucket. You were not an easy dog but I KNEW you as soon as I saw you. I will ALWAYS miss you. Forever in my heart....
Dear Chester Pierre "Cheddie",
Mommy loves you and misses you so much. There has not been one day that has past since the day you left me that I have not thought about you. I miss you so much. I miss when you tried to get a bark out and you just made that funny grunt sound. I miss that the most. I miss how excited you would get and how you tried to act like you were a big boy. You were my big boy at only ten pounds and I loved every ounce of you. You were my little man , my son that I never had, the love of my life, my everything. And now even after one and half years have gone by I still can't seem to admit that you are not just gone and will be coming home that you have moved on into the arms of the Man that had created you and put you on this earth for me to eventually find you and to rescue you from having to live a miserable life outside in the freezing cold with no one to keep you warm or no one to hug you and to tell you how much you are loved. I still can't imagine how horrible it had to of been that winter while you tried to keep warm all by yourself in that cold dark chicken house with very little to eat. I don't think I will ever be able to understand how horrible it had to of been for you to of slept out side in the freezing cold or how you even made it when I knew how cold you would get just going outside to go potty in the winter. I promised you that you would never be cold again when you came to live with me and I made you a toasty warm snow suit and kept you covered up at night next to me so you would stay snuggley warm and never be cold again.
I would have given you more if you could of only stayed here longer with me. I loved you more than my life itself and I still love you little guy. I loved your sneaky way that you would do things to me to tease me and I told you that you were a little monster when you would run away from me and almost cause me to have heart failure running after you in an attempt to catch you. The whole time that you were running from me I saw you smiling as you turned your little head to see if I was still chasing you.
I did everything in my power to make sure that you had the best food and the warmest bed and I did this because I had to protect you from those things that would have hurt you if I had just left you to go out on your own. I was so scared of loosing you for all the years I had you I never was able to relax and just live ...I was always afraid of what I would ever have done without you and how would I ever be able to go on without your sweet little smile to see on that little face of yours every day.
Cheddie... Mommas so sorry I wasn't able to keep you here longer and I hope and pray that you know how much I love you and that I didn't keep you here to make you suffer. I thought that I would be able to help you to get better because of all the information I had read of the different cases and how the little dogs were healed. I am angry with those people that wrote those books on natural healing because they made me think that your heart problem was a simple thing to fix and everything would be alright.
Thank you so much for all of your self that you gave to me and for helping me get through the tough times in my life. Cheddie I love you so much and I miss you more than I can ever explain to you. Mommy loves you my little man. Thank you for the last kissy you gave me that last day. Thanks for sharing your life with me. I hope you had a good time here.
Dear Mina,
It's two weeks today since our last full day together. I wake up every morning thinking about you and hoping, hoping to see you when I walk out into the living room.
We had a glorious last day together, didn't we? I was thrilled to see you standing at the window, ready to take a walk in the sunshine and cool morning air. It was a typical walk, except for its length. You surprised me by walking all the way to the front of the property and all the way around, sniffing everything along the way and looking up at me from time to time.
I love that look when we're walking. You're checking on me, making sure I'm OK if I'm too quiet. The love in your eyes always prompts me to bend down and kiss your head.
You're in heaven, I know that, and you're happy and safe and warm and well fed and you have friends - no doubt you've made a lot of friends - and loved. Do you know how much I love you? I worry about that a lot. One can make a lot of stupid mistakes in 13 years and I made a lot with you. I left you behind on a couple of vacations and overnight trips and sometimes I didn't get home very early. I'm so sorry for every time I ever hurt your feelings - I didn't mean it. Please know, Mina baby, that I love you more than anyone ever and I tried to show it every day. You are my one true love and you will always be ...
I went to the sanctuary yesterday for the first time in a month and I cried as soon as I turned up the long drive. I remembered talking to you on the warm August day and telling you about all the wonderful animals you'd see and the nice people you'd meet. It makes me smile to think of you walking away from the tame geese who were so curious about you, and how you barked at the cows as they all walked up to the fence to get a look at you. I didn't stay for the entire event because I was missing you and wanted to come home to you.
Whenever I'm away I still have this urge to get home to you. Wherever I am this feeling that I have to get home is always there. You were always, always my first priority, even when I screwed up.
Thank you, thank you my dearest love, for taking such good care of me for your entire life. You licked away my tears, you acted the fool to get me to cheer up, you laid by my side whenever I was sick, and you never once let me down in any way. Not even when you ate something off the ground that made you sick!
I miss you, Mina Bean. I miss you more than I ever thought possible. I know that time will pass and I'll go on with this life in some fashion. And I know that some day I'll die, too, and we'll be together forever. Don't worry about me, sweetie, I'll figure this out.
You are in my heart and you will always be in my heart, baby girl.
All my love ...
Dear Sofee,
I'm sorry I cried like I did when I last saw you. I knew you were still with me, but holding your lifeless body that last time at emergency vet was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I only knew you two short years. The day I saw you at the shelter I knew you were supposed to be with me; I wouldn't change a thing, even if I knew I would feel completely empty after you were gone. I didn't know the vaccine was going to take your feisty little life from me; I didn't know life was that fragile. Never again.
I hope you know how special your life here as Sofee was.
No one ever thought I would adopt a Pomeranian. They were used to seeing me with "tough" dogs, but they didn't know how tough you were! I don't know how many people you made scream as your tiny 3-pound body came leaping out of my jacket, teeth bared. You made me laugh every day, Sofee. You should know that. I try to laugh now, but it's hard. It's been almost three years and I still see your little black body everywhere I go. Do you come visit us Sofee? Is that you? Do you ever sit and watch me leaf through the few pictures I took of you, knowing I took you for granted? Do you think it's silly that I'm still so sad over you? I wonder, what it's like, death.
You saw me through a couple very difficult years. You taught me many lessons about love, trust and finally just letting go of your past. You did that SoSo, and I try every day, but it's all I can do sometimes.
I feel cheated, like I should have had you longer than I did. I know you're in heaven with Amerk, and I know you will watch over him and wait for me together. Tell him I love him, I know he knows.
Somewhere over the rainbow. See you soon.