This letter from Your Father and Friend, Dustin to Alaska Sky was written on Monday, January 24, 2011
Alaska Sky

Dear Alaska Sky,

The light escaped your eyes Saturday. The choice I made was not easy, and will pain me forever on. I know it was for the best. You were in tremendous pain, and the surgery would have continued the agony with the chance of survival minimal. I had never been through that process before, and I hope to never do it again. To see the life flee from your physical form was difficult, but I know you are not in pain anymore. The fact that your heart would not stop beating let me know that your love was fighting to stay with me. I appreciate that my love. You will always be with me.

Do you remember the car ride home from your birth mom’s house? I won’t forget it. You sat calmly in the passenger seat with your head toward me. The brindle spot on your right eye gave you the expression of curiosity. The excitement of travel was gleaming in your eyes, but it pained you to leave your mother. I fully understand that feeling. Yet, you, Chance and I had each other, and I believe that helped the transition.

Your ability to learn quickly was amazing, and I was not surprise to find that your quick learning would lead to a strong bond between us. You were always there when I need you. You were there when I needed someone to love on, or someone to whisper a secret to. When I would wake up in the night I knew I could roll over and hold you. That helped me fall back to sleep, forgetting the nightmare that just happened.

The summer was great. Between the walks in the subdivision and our swims in Stones River, we shared a lot of moments. I felt better after our excursions. Chance is a great dog, but he and I can’t share the experiences that you and I did. That strengthened our bond even more. Those swims were great. The fact that you would follow me out into the deep waters, and just hang on me, made me feel as strong as a god. That idea that you needed me was my strength. No matter where I went you would always follow.

When the vet called me Saturday I know that our time had come to an end. Sandy was there for support, and that meant so much to me. Unfortunately, the task was still going to happen. As we sat on the floor in that small room, I could feel your love. That love that told me to be strong, but I couldn’t stop crying. The sedative had taking affect and you lay peacefully next to me. When the vet came to give the final shot, I whispered something into your ear. I hope you will remember what I said. That was our last secret. When the lady injected the fatal shot in your IV, I had my hand on your neck and could feel every breath and heartbeat you took. Your breath gave out first, but your heart kept beating. I know that was your sign to me that your love for me would never die. The lady had to administer one more lethal injection, and your heart stopped. You had left your body, but had not left my heart.

I have had many companions in my life. Tonto, Rebel and Shasta to name a few, but losing you has caused me the most pain. I guess because I feel responsible for your death mostly, but I know you forgave me. That idea means a lot to me, baby.

I will continue to hold you in my heart for the rest of my life. Know that your love was not lost on this man. I am better for knowing your love. I don’t know if there is

anything past death, but if there is please wait for me. I want to go for another swim with you.

Missing You,

Your Father and Friend, Dustin

This letter from Rachel to Bruiser was written on Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dear Bruiser,

It's been almost 12 years since I had to let you go, but I wanted to let you know that no matter how many years pass, you were and will always be one of the best friends I ever had. I miss your eyes and and I miss the way you used to smile when I scratched the spot right above your tail.

I miss the way you used to chew on all my blankets until there were holes in them and mom was furious that another comforter had gone to the dog. I miss the way you used to start at the end of the bed and slowly work your way up next to me and then scootch me over with your butt until you had the majority of the bed and I was safely nestled into the corner.

I miss the way you used to always come to my side when I was sad or upset and let me hold you and cry against you. I miss when I used to pat my shoulders how you would jump up and hug me. Even when you were getting up there in years and I would kneel in front of you, you would still give the best hugs.

I know I couldn't be there as much as I wanted to be towards the end, but I hope you know that the events going on in our family never changed how much I love you and it meant more to me than you will ever know that you fell asleep peacefully in my arms.

You were and will always be the most cherished memory in my childhood. Every memory from catching snowballs to standing in front of me and growling when people were play-fighting with me.

There will never be another Bruiser. Thank you for choosing my family and being a part of my life for 15 wonderful years.



This letter from Martina to Tommy was written on Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dear Tommy,

I can't believe you are gone...the feeling that you are still there is so strong that every time I arrive home I get the urge to run down to say hello to you and touch you and hug you. I miss all the beautiful expressions on your face, your soft fur, your beautiful pointy ears and your white paw. I keep finding your fur everywhere and every time it's like a punch in the stomach. I saved your collar, the one that felt so warm every time I took it off you after going for walks. It's right there next to your puppy pic on my nightstand. We all miss you every day were the best thing that ever happened to us, the most amazing and loving dog in the entire world. I will never ever forget you and I truly hope to see you again one day. Take care of Grampa like you did when he was still with us. I always remember you walking slowly with him when he got was amazing.

I miss you so much....



This letter from Mom to Tamaiijja was written on Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dear Tamaiijja,

I can't believe that you have been gone over a year already. I miss you so much. You were the sweetest dog I have ever known. After all you went through the first year of your life..being chained out in someone's backyard with no shelter then breaking free only to be hit by a car and lose a leg. After you became a part of our family you went on to become a Canine Good Citizen and registered therapy dog. The kids you visited and helped to read...the people in the hospital and those undergoing chemo brightened their days with your sweet face and wagging tail. I miss your head resting on my lap...your nose nudging me to keep petting you and that husky howl when you wanted to play ball in the snow! All your brothers and sisters miss you very much would have loved playing with your new brother Gunner...he is a goofy hound that I think you sent our way.

The five years I had with you surely were not enough...cancer is an evil disease that you fought bravely and with dignity. Making the decision to let you go to the Rainbow Bridge was so hard and I cry often when I see your picture or think of you...I hope that you are running free with Sandy, Bailey, Skeeter, Winnie and the rest of your family. Please look out for Murray as he has a sick heart and will not be with us too much for him and show him the way...

You were such a beautiful dog...such a sweet soul and though the time I had with you was way too short it was such a blessing having you in my life. Knowing that you are waiting for me at the Rainbow Bridge helps me get through the days. Hopefully I made your life half as wonderful as you made mine...I miss you everyday and love you so much MiMae!!!



This letter from Mommy to Spooky (Spook) Mulder Riggio was written on Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Spooky (Spook) Mulder Riggio

Dear Spooky (Spook) Mulder Riggio,

To my Spook,

Mommy misses you so much...I think of you all the time. I miss you taking away all the bad things when I walked in the door. I miss you making me smile when I didn't think it was possible. I miss people looking at you and being in awe of your beauty, inside and out. I miss you being the best foot warmer in the world. I've had a real hard time since you've been gone...

I love you so much and I always will. I'm a better person by having such a wonderful creature to grace my life. Thank you for everything.



This letter from Jess to Windsor was written on Monday, October 11, 2010

Dear Windsor,

Today marks four months since we said goodbye to you. I love and miss you so much, baby. I hope you know how hard a decision it was to let you go, but I knew it was what would be best for you. Nine years did not feel like enough time knowing you, but I don't think even forever would have been long enough.

You always knew how to make me laugh, especially when I didn't think I could. Whether it was grabbing a toy and making me play with you or simply laying next to me with your head in my lap, you were always the one to make me smile. I still come home sometimes and expect to see you standing in the doorway, whole body wiggling in excitement and a toy in your mouth. Even when your arthritis got the best of you in your final days, you still wanted to play.

You taught me so much too, big guy. You never held a grudge against people, even though you were abandoned at that shelter. You loved everyone you met, regardless of who they were or what they looked like. You never let anything bother you, even when the pain was too much, which you faced with a quiet dignity. I never saw such joy until I got my license and I could take you for car rides. Even when you couldn't stand up anymore, you'd still lie right by the door, nose outside the window and barking at any dog or motorcycle we drove past.

Thank you for sending us Madden. I know that was all you, buddy. Dolly, Tobey and I were missing you so much, and while of course we still do, sending this rambunctious pup to us has helped ease the pain a bit. I was heartbroken and having a difficult time until you sent her. She's given new life to Dolly and Tobey. You're still changing lives, big guy. In life, you helped show people that shelter dogs are wonderful family members and in passing, you have given a new life and chance to another dog. I call her my "Pocket Winnie" because she reminds me so much of you.

I'll always remember your last day with me. You curled up right next to me on your dog bed and we just laid there, while I sobbed into your coat. I knew you knew something was wrong, but as usual, you wanted to make sure I was okay. You always did take care of me. You were almost fourteen years old, but I wanted you to live forever. You knew better though. You always did.

I keep trying to write an essay about you, but I don't think I can properly pay tribute to you. I will keep trying and maybe someday I'll get it right. I hung your collar on my rearview mirror because of how much you loved car rides and I try and take the long way home because you loved that. It's the simple things that matter, you taught me that.

Without you, I would not be here; without you, there would be no Tobey or Madden. You brought so much joy and love to everyone who knew you. I miss you so much and even when the pain becomes too much sometimes, I know we made the right choice.

I love you, Winnie James.



This letter from Grandpa to Oreo was written on Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Dear Oreo,

Hey buddy... it's been a long time. How ya doin' up there in heaven? I know... it's just "beautiful" and you're having a great time! I hope you welcomed Pushkin... and "Azreal" our cat into heaven and are showing them around. Ah... I'm sure you are.

You came to the family as a surprise Christmas gift from a friend to the kids, Sharon and John... and you were a gift that never stopped giving. What a good puppy you were... and long time companion to the family? 17 years... Wow! But, as the kids grew and left the nest you remained to keep us company and for the last years of your life you were "Grandpa's sidekick"... as the picture shows.

I always remember that you'd come out with me with the "big" telescope on some dark nights back in New Jersey and just when I was so engrossed in looking for some distant galaxy... you'd "slowly" try to slip away to go and visit your girlfriend down the block - a dog that looked a lot like your own mix - colors and all. Sometimes I'd catch you slipping away... and stop you and then, "honestly" sometimes... I'd smile and let you go and have some fun. Shhhhhhhhhh don't tell grandma or the kids. Then, you'd come home... a couple of hours later "exhausted" (Ha!), and you'd know that you were going to get a "shower" after a "night-on-the-town" (so to speak). And, with ears pinned back ('cause you thought I was angry), without me saying a word... you went upstairs into the bathroom, and right into the shower... waiting for what was coming. A nice shower to top off the day (or night as it were). Well, I didn't mind... since your "Oreo-cookie" coat white and black always looked so beautiful after a few mintues of scrubbing. The white part was like snow. For a mix.... you certainly put on a "good presentation" I have to say. VERY handsome!

On some nights... even today, some 8 years later... when I'm out alone with the telescope in Tucson.... I look around in the quiet of the night.... and remember our telescope nights together. You were something all right. So cute, and always gentle with everyone in the family - and friends, barking as folks came into the house and again when they were going out... making your presence known - doing "dog duty" on guard... but pleasantly so, not an "angry" barker. No. You were a "good" barker. (There is such a big difference... huh?) We could count on you.

Well, this letter is just to let you know that we're all still thinking about you - once in a while - and then often. It's a funny mix... how sometimes other triggers of life bring back a memory of you? We haven't gotten another dog yet. Who could replace you... though we wound up with Azreal "the cat" - thanks to John saying, "Take care of 'Oz' - I'll be back in three weeks!" That was several years ago, and now even Azreal is gone.

Well, you're in-charge of those family pets that have gone since your leaving us. I'll see you at the telescope sometime. It's nice out there in the quiet of the night - flying among the stars. Do dogs have souls? I'll bet that they do - since they have feelings - right? You betcha! And, since God made you... I'm sure He took you back too - with wide open arms and a smile. I'll bet you think His arms feel a little like Grandpa's huh? But even better! Someday, we'll meet again... and why not? You know your way around the stars... and so do I. Remember, we're all heading towards M-13? Ha! Ha! Come-here... let me give ya a hug! There ya go! Ugggghh! A big one! Thanks for all the gentle loving. I know you always felt "safe" & loved while you were with us. Now, you're safe & loved with Jesus. And, that's the best combination - in life. Kisses up to Heaven from Grandpa.

P.S. Give "Oz" and Pushkin a hug from us too! Thankx.

Missing You,


This letter from your mom to Snickers was written on Monday, October 4, 2010

Dear Snickers,

You came to me in a dream and laid on my chest looked at me

and without talking let me know what a great mom I had been and that

you didn't want me to me to sad anymore. It really felt like you were there with me. You had such a sense of peace and happiness to share with me that now I can look at your photos and be happy not sad and now I understand my happiness now still gives you happiness


your mom

This letter from Mom Wendy and Dad Cal to Shadow was written on Sunday, August 22, 2010

Dear Shadow,

It has been about three months since you passed over the rainbow bridge, but I see you every day in my heart. Eighteen years together is not small for a cat that had been abandoned as a yearling and arrived on our deck with a horrible racking respiratory infection. It was touch and go for about a month, wasn't it? But I guess you felt our love and knew that if you could just get well, we would care for you forever! Funny thing is that your voice never came back to its normal robust volume and for the rest of your life, when you tried to "meow", you just "squeaked". I'm smiling because this was very endearing.

You were a very solidly built feline, like many of your cousins from England - short, stocky legs, muscular body and what we call a bull head, wide and masculine. I'm sorry that I was never able to enter you in the Household Pet category of a cat show because, in your prime, you would have won!

I miss that black paw snaking out as I pass to grab my hand and attention. It was your way of saying, "Hey, Here I am, how about a treat?" I always thought that there would be more days together; you left so suddenly. Funny thing was that the vet thought there was not a major problem and your bloodwork came back showing good health for an oldster. Dr. G. says that it must have been a blood clot that suddenly took you. I had left for work, but do you remember that Calvin cradled you in his arms when he found you on your side? You took a few more breaths and then slid away. I wish I had been there to whisper how I loved you and that you had to travel to the light now.

I'm sure that your old pals greeted you on the other side. Did Squealer say hi?

Anyway, Shadow, you were an easy cat - you never asked for much and always had a hug for anyone who picked you up. That should get you a high ranking as an Angel cat! Although I'm sorry your time with us ended in an instant, I'm glad you didn't linger and suffer. We miss you terribly and so does your old companion Jesse and even Bippy. Jesse wouldn't eat for a few days and is just fading in grief. I've tried to perk him up, but he won't hear it. So here is what I'm asking you, now that you are an Angel:

Come and comfort Jesse. If he really wants to go with you, then stay by his side while he makes the transition over the bridge, or maybe you can convince him to stay here awhile longer. Both of you came to us together eighteen years ago and he is just lost, even though Bippy is trying to comfort him. We will take care of Jesse, of course, but it is you he wants. Be with him.

I'm sure you know that I go to our little graveyard in the woods and say a prayer for all the Furries that spent some time on earth with us and now rest in peace. You have a place there, but more importantly, you are in my heart and soul. I wish you could enjoy the screened in patio with us this summer, but I bet you are trotting all over the yard, chasing chipmunks!

Well, I'm going to close for now, Shadow, Please give a spirit visit to your old pal, Jesse, as soon as you get this message. You're great!


Mom Wendy and Dad Cal

This letter from Daddy, Mommy, Buzia, Magoo & Mila to Ruby was written on Saturday, August 7, 2010

Dear Ruby,

It's been a little over a month since you've been gone, and I still can't believe it. Letting you go that day was the hardest thing Mommy and Daddy ever had to do. But, you were struggling each day, even though you acted like a trooper. We know in our hearts that you were ready to go.

I remember so vividly the day you came into our lives. Daddy saw your face come around the corner at work on the pet adoption day and immediately fell in love with you. He called me and told me I had to come to see you because we needed to have you. So I came to see you and brought Buzia to meet you, and headed straight to the shelter to adopt you.

Although I at first had my doubts about adopting a second dog, you added so much joy to our lives. You loved going for walks and got so excited when we got your leash out. You would do this silly dance up and down the hall, because you couldn't contain yourself. You loved treats and getting them out of your Kong bone. You would look at us and puff out your cheeks, and when we said you looked like a frog, you'd bark at us. When a bus would drive down the street, you'd bark at it. You loved spending time outside.

I always felt there was a sadness in you, though. And it seemed to me that you were still looking for something. And it was obvious that you were poorly socialized as a puppy or traumatized somehow. You were so afraid of storms and would curl up in the corner of our bedroom, shaking. I would feel so sad that I couldn't comfort you. I often wondered what your previous owners did to you and why and how they really brought you to the shelter.

But I'm so glad they did! It was such a gift to be your Mommy and Daddy. It was the most important thing in the world to us. Taking care of you and loving you and your sisters and brother was our biggest joy.

Toward the end of your life, you had special needs that required extra effort on our parts, but we want you to know that we were never mad at you for anything. When we seemed upset, it was just because we were tired, but not upset with you. Even with all your challenges, you still were such a sweet girl. You kept on going, and insisted on going for walks, even though they weren't very long or far anymore.

We hope you know we tried to give you the best life possible, and everything we did, we did because we loved you. We miss you so much and still see you everywhere -- in your bed, helping us get ready in morning like you did, in the doorway when we come home, walking around the yard.

We pray that you're truly in a better place where you're happy and pain-free. And that you found whatever it was that I felt you were always looking for. Spending seven years with you was so wonderful, and too short of a time. Having that last day together was beautiful. Sending you on your journey to your next place was so hard for us, yet we were so happy we were able to do it in such a peaceful, calm way in our home. We believe that we will see you again some day, when our souls will be reunited.

I'm sure you know that your little sister, Mila, is very ill. She will be joining you in a couple of days. It is extremely hard for us to have to let her go so soon after we let you go, but at least we know that the two of you will now be together. We think she misses you so much, that she decided she wants to follow you. Please be looking for her as she passes from us to you. Take care of each other and wait for us together.

We all miss you and will love you forever. You will always be in our hearts.


Daddy, Mommy, Buzia, Magoo & Mila