This letter from Mom to Kaiser was written on Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Dear Kaiser,

Its been 2 years now since you've been gone but seems like it could have been yesterday. I try not to let my heart hurt so much but its hard when you best buddy has been taken away too soon.

I often think of you and how long its been since I've been to you favorite dog park. We had so much fun together and whenever I was sad or upset, you always knew how to get me to feel better.

Alan says hi and he wants you to know he's taking care of me. I remember when he first started sleeping over, you wouldn't have it! You would creep up in between us, like if it was to prove a point :no one sleeps with my mom, except me!" always makes us laugh.

I miss your kisses, you talking "fits", the face you made when you had done something bad and your cuddles. I haven't been able to find another "fur"ever friend, I guess my heart isn't able to yet. I do know that you pushed me to explore the outdoors and find my true self. I love you for it my friend!

See you someday!



This letter from Sister to Mr. Weenie was written on Monday, April 16, 2012
Mr. Weenie

Dear Mr. Weenie,

We miss you. I have a lot of regrets during that time that I cant shake. Leaving you at the vet when you were hurt to go to my sisters wedding. I thought we would come back and see you again. You must have been scared and lonely. The thought of you feeling like we abandoned you there torments me. That you may have thought we didnt want you anymore hurts me still. I wish we could have seen you once more before you left us. To comfort you and hold you.

When our mom found out she was devestated by your passing. She cried for a long time and she doesnt usually cry. She cried your name. Even dad was sad for you. We all thought we would have so much more time with you and that youd be with us for the rest of your life, which you were, but not long enough.

When you were injured I wish we had noticed sooner. But you layed in your bed and didnt make a noise. You were a tough a little dog. When brother noticed the blood on your other side...we took you to the vet and he wasnt there and we were turned away! You were bleeding out and i was so so upset I could scream. So we had to take you to another vet that we didnt care for so much.

To leave you there was a tough decision. To leave to another state while you were there was even harder. of course we thought youd make it...

I loved snuggling with you under the covers, playing fetch and tug of war with socks. The daycare kids were sad when they found out you had died. You were like a kid in the daycare too...a buddy a freind.

The vet wanted to creamate you but I couldnt let them do that. We brought you home to us. We took the IV's out of you...and cleaned you up. Then we buried you in moms garden that you loved soo much. Under the sunflowers in the shade where you would lay every summer and watch mom garden.

You are always with us in our hearts and memories. We did not abandon you Mr Weenie, brother tots, we love you and miss you every day. Daisy missed you too. She lays in your bed now and plays with your toys. I love you. We love you always and forever and ever.



This letter from mom to Keymo was written on Saturday, April 14, 2012

Dear Keymo,

Oh fuzzy puppy life isn't the same without you around I'm sure it is alot more quiet for everyone. I can still hear your nails clickingon the flooring as you walk and the usual wooooooooooooowooooooooooo when you had something important to say. The way you used to nuzzle your head in between our legs and wait for a good rubbin. A awsome watch dog and great camping companion! Our last outing was fun the dog park, the sunny car ride and the visit to grama's house and the treats. You sure were a tough old girl and got in some good time almost 15 yrs.

Miss you and watch your videos often, they make me smile.




This letter from Natalie to Coco was written on Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dear Coco,

It's been four days since you passed away. Everyday I wake up and look over to where you use to sleep next to me and my heart breaks each time that you're not there. We shared 18 wonderful years together and that time together means more to me than I could ever express in words. There are so many things that I will miss about you. I will miss the sound of your nails clicking on the kitchen floor. I will miss how you use to wait for me outside of the washroom. I will miss how you use to follow me around the house. I will miss the sound of your purr and your beautiful, expressive eyes. I will miss how you use to sit by the fire that we lit only because it made you so happy. The list is long and continues to grow each day. You were a huge part of my life and I will always love you. Miss you, my dear little friend.



This letter from Mommy to Raggs was written on Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Dear Raggs,

I miss you so much I can't believe it's been almost 2 months since you left me. You were my "baby man", "my boy", "my Raggsie". You came into my life just over 2 yrs ago at the age of 12 yrs. You had spent 2 yrs being bounced from a boarding kennel to a shelter, then finally into rescue with your friend. You came to me from there. You filled my life with love and joy, and the 4 kitties miss you too, especially Smokey. He is still looking for you, hoping you'll come back to love him. I hope I made the right decisions during your last week, in hindsight, I wish I'd made different ones, but I doubt they would have changed the outcome. You died here at home, surrounded by your cat famiily and human family. I didn't want you to die alone in a vet hospital, you were my beautiful boy, irreplaceable. You were a beautiful soul, I won't ever forget you. I wish I had also been given the chance to get to know your sister, Muggs. but God had other plans for her and called her home at the time of your adoption. I pray that you have been reunited with Muggs and Fr Leo across the rainbow bridge



This letter from Mom to Chloe was written on Sunday, March 25, 2012

Dear Chloe,

One year ago today I let you go.

One year.

It has been a very difficult year and it has taken me this long to face writing you this letter.

I know it was time and that your little body was failing you in a way that I still can't comprehend, but saying goodbye to you was one of the hardest things I have ever done. The loss has left me with a hole in my heart that I know will never be completely healed.

I am doing my best to keep my promise to you that I would only remember you happy and healthy. It helps to focus on your smile, or remember the way you would howl like a fool at any squirrel or bird who dared cross your path. I keep close my memories of you and Murphy chasing each other in the yard, or the way you would sit at the base of the tree for what seemed like hours, watching for the squirrel you chased up it moments before. You sitting by the window, ever watchful and alert to the world outside. Your beautiful eyes that always looked so sad. I miss your lovely, little face, and the way you would snuggle up to me on the couch and nudge my hand with your nose when you wanted to be petted. This is how I choose to remember you, and focusing on these memories helps a little with the pain of losing you. The pain will fade, but the memories will last.

One year but it still feels like yesterday that you were here, a complete part of my life. I will never forget you, or let my memories of you go. You will always be a part of who I am, and who I become. You will always be the sweetest, most loving creature I have ever known. You were completely selfless, and you didn't deserve what happened to you. I am so fortunate to have had you as a part of my life. I hit the jackpot with you and I will never forget that, or stop being grateful for you. As much as it hurts, the memories of 11 wonderful years are worth the price.

Rest in peace, sweet girl.

I love you, forever and always.



This letter from Mommy to Lizzy was written on Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dear Lizzy,

I miss you so much... I can't believe you are not here with me. I think I hear you at night when I am about to drift off to sleep; I pray that I dream of you just to be able to see you again. You gave me 17 years of unconditional love, I only hope that you knew how much I loved you. Taking you to the vet was the hardest thing I have had to do. I know you were stressed and you didn't understand what was going on. You seemed so lost. There is not a day that goes by that I don't wish you back here with me. I can remember the day we bought you home all the kids in the neighborhood loved you; you were so tiny and cute. You grew into this wonderful family member you weren't just a dog to me. I don't think people can understand the bond between us. You loved me no matter what my day was like. I miss watching you have that love-hate chase with the squirrels in the back yard. I think they miss it too! People tell me that I need to get another dog, but they don't get it. You weren't a dog... you were my friend, family, and confidant. You understood my secrets, my pain, my sadness, my joy, my happiness. I miss you so much; I love you always and forever



This letter from Mommy to Frankie was written on Saturday, March 3, 2012

Dear Frankie,

Has it been only 5 days since I had to make that awful, impossible choice? How can it be that you were okay on Saturday, then paralyzed on Sunday? I have so many regrets. I should have taken you to the place in Cooper City. The other vet was WRONG! I have so much anger because if she had given us the right information, we could have saved you in time.That night, when the second vet talked to us, I knew. I knew in my heart that you would not recover. I knew you would have HATED being in the cart, unable to run and play fetch and chase the cat. The pain that night and every day since is searing. I feel as though someone reached into my chest and ripped off a chunk of my heart. I know you knew how much I loved you, Baby Boy. I couldn't tell you enough that night, that short while I had to spend with you for the last time. I look for you everywhere in the house. This house is filled with you. I think I hear breathing in the morning, in the corner now empty by the TV. I look for you on the bathroom rug as I get ready for work. I feel your warm little body lying next to me on the sofa at night.

I dread walking in after work and not seeing your long little body dancing in circles for joy at seeing me. I miss holding you and kissing your snout and soft little head. I long to run my fingers through the silky hair of your ears.

I want you to know that I forgive you for everytime I walked into the kitchen and it had "snowed" because you had pulled all the stuffing out of your bed or toys. For everytime you had a party with the bathroom garbage or tore up whatever was in the Walmart bag from the store. I have not been able to eat peanut butter because you loved it so much. I think for the rest of my life, I will think of you each time I eat it.

Frankie, how I MISS you. You filled my arms and heart with so much snuggly affection. I have the girls and Mark, but your love was a different kind. I knew that no matter what, you loved me. I could do no wrong in your eyes, and you never got frustrated or mad at me. When I think about how you loved, I believe that it is a reflection of the way God loves us. No matter what we do, He loves us and forgives us. I have to believe that one day in Heaven, you will be on my lap again. Right beside me every step I take. We will go for our walk as the sun is setting and enjoy God's creation together. The Bible says that there will be no tears, only joy in Heaven. That tells me that you will be there.

Thank you for the 4 years of joy and love you gave me. It was not nearly long enough. You were so young, so alive. I will always picture you that way. You will always be my baby boy. Of all the dogs I've had, I had the greatest bond with you, my beautiful Dachshund.



This letter from Jamie to Virgil was written on Thursday, February 16, 2012

Dear Virgil,

I can't believe that it's been almost eight years since you left this world. I think of you every day. I really mean it. Every day. I have two cats now, and I often find myself telling them about you. My cat Apple reminds me so much of you; your personality. She is pretty quiet, but lets me know when she feels I'm not giving her enough attention. :-)

My other cat, Buddy...he looks a lot like you. I wish you could meet him. You could teach him a thing or two. He drives us crazy! But I love him very much.

I miss you, Virgil. I miss the way you would wait for me to come home from work and greet me at my car. I miss the way you loved to eat Pringles. And swiss cheese. I miss the way you would sit with me on the porch and listen to everything that was on my mind and on my heart. You truly were the best friend I have ever had. I know you're in Heaven. I just know it. You were the best thing to ever happen to me, and my life has just not felt complete without you. I love you, so, so much. I am crying as I am writing this, because I miss you, and because I remember all of the good times we had together. I remember the day you were lying in the grass, and our other cat, Shell, walked by you. You reached up and smacked her butt as she walked by. She turned around and hissed at you. That was so funny. Haha!

I'm sure this will not be the last letter I write to you. I have so much to say to you. Like, I am so sorry. I am so sorry that you had to suffer for so long, and I didn't know it. I am sorry that I didn't take you with me when I moved away for school. I love you so much, Virgil. I hope that somehow, some way, you know that. And that you have not forgotten me. Because I will never, ever forget you.

I love you buddy. Keep my spot warm in Heaven!



This letter from Beth & Keith, Sophie, Sam, Roo, Grace and Floyd to Mabel was written on Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Dear Mabel,

With heavy hearts we said goodbye to you in October of last year nearly 4 years after you beagled into our lives on a Christmas day. We knew your were an elderly girl at the time, but you were very hardy and really did great until the last month or so of your life. You were my first beagle but won't be my last. I know know why my husband is so in love with the breed. You were the most affectionate, funny and LOUD dog I have ever met. All that in a 20lb old lady. I miss you hustling up to me and heaving a big sigh as you sat down in front of me and demanded your petting time. We spent lots of nights on the couch together. Knowing you taught me about being happy to be alive, about relishing a good smell (not necessarily a pleasant one), about loving the winter sun and the airconditioning on a hot summer day. When we arrived at a park for a walk, everybody could hear you as you barked and carried on while we unloaded all the dogs from the car. Bunnies and squirrels were wise to take notice. I loved the way you greeted every meal with such enthusiasm that you would bark with joy, lifting your front feet off the ground and making your ears blow back! We planted your ashes under a new red maple in the back yard and I greet your tree every morning. I am finally writing this today to honor the anniversary of Pushkin's passing. I hope you are both making noise and running the show where ever you are now.


Beth & Keith, Sophie, Sam, Roo, Grace and Floyd