Dear Chancer,
Hi baby. Iv'e been writing to you almost everyday since you've been gone. Miss you every single minute. Your being gone is a fact that runs around in my head, something I try to ignore, but sometimes it grabs a hold of me and I have to think about the empty space in my heart and life. I hope you are happy, my little angel.
Dear Kalo,
Kalo, you have been gone for almost 3 months and it still puts a physical hurt in my chest. I don't think I can ever get over you and the way you passed. It will always haunt me.
Your mama and daddy had another litter of pups the day before you passed and God sent me a sweet little angel to help with the pain. Her name is Shayla and she is such a sweetie, just like you. But I hold her and cry for you. I love her very much, but am having a really hard time with your death.
I miss our cuddle time and your funny antics. I hope you have found the peace you were looking for. Love and miss you buddy.
Missing You,
Dear Chief,
I never planned on getting a dog that day I went to the SPCA with my sister....but the moment I saw you there I KNEW you were meant to be with me. I left you there that day but could not stop thinking about you, and ultimately my heart guided me back to you. 1 day before you were to be euthanized due to the crazy fact that no one else wanted to adopt you, you came home with me. And from then on, we lived 12 wonderful years together!!!!!
From the start, it was just me and you Chiefy. Then came the rest of our family......Jamie, Mateo and Kingston.
You and I had some crazy adventures together, there were so many times that you should not have made it home, chasing coyotes, bears, motorbikes, running off into the mountains doing what you LOVED to free. But Chief you always came back to me, always. I'm so happy that we had such adventure. I hope you enjoyed it all. And please know I did everything I could to give you the best life possible. You came first bud.
Despite all the odds of your wild ways, you lived to be 13. It was so hard when we first noticed you getting stiff and sore after a long walk, and for the next 3 years we watched you slowly be able to do less and less untill the day came where you could hardly go out for a walk at all. Knowing how much you loved to be outdoors, it killed me to go out with Kingston and leave you at home. I felt so much guilt, and I still do. Even when you did go out and it was so hard for you to walk, you still had the drive and tried so hard to chase the kong, or play with Kingston. We knew that with your will and determination you would never totally give up. You were such a proud dog.
Chief you and I had a very special bond right from the moment we met eachother, and that bond can never be broken. You were my first real, true love. I miss you so much. It was so hard to make the final decision, i struggled with it so much, it killed me and it still does...but deep down I know that you couldn't go on anymore, it was just getting worse and it wasnt fair to keep you around for my own selfish reasons. I am so happy that you passed peacefully at home, in your bed, with me holding you. I hope you know that I did this, the hardest thing I have ever had to do, out of love and only love.
I asked you to give me a sign when you got "there", told you to knock something down...and you did knock that picture of you and Benson down, didn't you? I'm so happy to know that you two best buds are together again.
I love you so much Chief, and I am so heartbroken to be here at home without you physically here with me. Your presence is so greatly missed. There will never be one day where I don't think about you or miss you. I know you are running around somewhere, with Benson, pain free, and happy. And one day, we will meet again and I can't wait to wrap my arms around you. I love you so much, you have brought so much happiness into my life.
Hugs and kisses my Chiefy chooka.
Dear Hampton ,
We miss you dearly and wish you are safe in heaven with Pushkin and we love you
beth Ann weaver and mckenna Evangeline weaver and maybe Denise too
Missing You,
beth weaver and denise
Dear Buck,
I don't really know what to say. I have been pretty much numb since you left. You were such a huge part of my life, that now I don't even know what to do with myself. I still keep thinking you are here, and that I need to be home in time for your medicine, and not make noise after dark so I won't wake you while you are getting much needed sleep. I can't believe you are gone.
I know that you are with Tilly now, and that gives me some comfort. We both loved her so much. I just wish her loss hadn't had such a life changing effect on you. I miss her too, but hoped you and I could make it through to happier times. You, apparently, just wanted to be with her. I get that.
I knew we were in trouble when you quit crowing when she died. Then, the tumor started to grow. I hoped we could beat it, but then the others showed up. The vet said people just don't even try to fight cancer in chickens, so he didn't know if it would work or not. I held out hope. I would do it again.
I love that you still gave me love and affection even when you must have felt crappy. I love that you were so patient with me when I had to give you medicine. I love that you were still your loving snuggly self with me, even though I know you were mourning her loss. I miss these things. I don't know how to go through a day without them anymore.
People didn't get it when Tilly died, and they are actually sort of avoiding me now that you are gone too. I know I am not my usual cheerful self, but I have suffered the loss of both you, and your beautiful friend. If you had been dogs or cats, they would get it. But, since you weren't, I am just some weird person who loved "irrelevant and stupid animals that deserve whatever treatment they get" (yes, someone actually said that). You and Tilly were hugely relevant in my life, and will always be.
I hope that you and Tilly are together, and loving each other like you did here. I hope that you both remember your time here with me fondly, and that I get to see you again some day. I know that I will never forget you, and that I look forward to that day. Until then, I hope that it just gets to the point where I don't feel like crying all the time, and just rest in the comfort that you both are happy now, together.
People keep asking me if I will get more chickens. I just don't know. I know that I am one of the few people that understand what wonderful sentient beings you are, but I can't even believe how painful this whole thing has been. I would not trade one minute of the time I spent with you for anything, but I have this huge hole in my heart now. I guess time will tell. For now, I try to honor your memory, and make it through one day at a time. I miss you something fierce, and will remember you forever as my little fuzzy chicken buddy. Please know that there was nothing I wouldn't have done to save you. Sadly, it was not to be.
Give Tilly a kiss for me buddy. I miss you both, and always will.
Gramma (Amy)
Dear Pete,
I don't know why you died... you never showed any signs of being sick or maybe I never educated my self enough to see them. I regret not taking care of you as I should have. Not paying enough attention or not talking enough to you. But I loved you! So much! You left and I feel empty and sad. Pita asks for you and I just don't know what to say... I told her you left to bird heaven where you are now flying free and where you are now happy. I remember how much you would chirp in the mornings and whenever I came to the room. How jealous Pita would get if anyone got close to you and would try to fight us; she would bite you as well like if it was your fault. You would get to a corner and just look at me. I can't forget all those wonderful years... now I can't stop crying... I just wish you were still here Pete.
Did I scare you? I was cleaning your cage and needed the broom to sweep the fallen seeds and I stood up to grab the broom again you fell backwards to the bottom of the cage and scream oddly, for a second I thought you were stock or something so I ran and got help but when I came right back you were quiet and still... oh my poor Pete, why??? I miss you so much!!! I would do anything just to see you one more time. My sweet and kind Pete. I will take care of Pita, we are starting to bond, she calls for you it's all so resent... I will never forget you Pete! You lay in the backyard where I plan to plant a rose bush in your memory. If there is a bird heaven I hope that you are there and I hope that I will meet you once again. Love you always my precious friend.
Dear Kalo,
I don't know where to begin. I only got to hold you for a year, but it was a wonderful year. You've been gone for a month and I still cry everyday. I keep thinking that I let you down in some way. Maybe I loved you too much because I was trying to get over losing Kodiak and Dusty. I keep thinking that there should have been something else I could do. Maybe I should have taking you to a different vet. Maybe a different medication would have helped you calm down. Maybe it wouldn't have, but I never tried. Your vet would not listen to me when I told them your med wasn't working. "Give it time", and now we have no more time together. I love you my fuzzy buddy and some day we'll be together again. You listen to Kodiak and he will take care of you until I get there. Love and miss you Kalo.
Dear Tilly,
Nobody understands my grief at your loss, so I need to talk to you instead. They say you were just a chicken. They say chickens don't know or show love. They clearly never met you.
You came to me as Buck's companion, and I didn't even really expect to get attached to you. You didn't seem to want affection like he did, but I remember the moment you figured out that love was a good thing. The look on your face. The total abandonment to the affection. You never looked back. I still love Buck so much, but in all honesty, you were more loving and sweet than even he is. I can't believe how much you stole my heart. It's horrible here without you.
Buck misses you so much that he is not doing well now either. I talk to him about you, and I hold him and tell him it's o.k., but it really isn't without you. We both miss you so much.
I miss how you would melt in my arms when I pet you. I miss how you would rub your face on my face when I would give you kisses. I miss your beautiful face running to be with me when I came in to see you. I miss how good you were with Buck even though he was young and a little silly. I miss everything about you.
I tried so hard to save you. The vet tried hard to save you. We wanted you to stay, but it wasn't to be.
Buck is so sad at your loss, and he is sick now with a tumor that started to grow when you left him. I am hoping beyond hope that he survives. If he makes it through the surgery and recovers, I may need to get him a new companion, but it hurts to even think about it. No other bird could replace you in my heart. I don't believe he will see them the same way he saw you either. You were his perfect match. He is clearly grieving though, and a friend might help a little. I hope you don't see it as replacing you, because that could never happen. It's just in the hope that he will be a little less depressed.
I miss you honey, and I always will. You will forever be my girl. I hope you know how much you were loved. I hope you know how much you are missed. I hope you know that you will never be forgotten. I hope you are now in a better place where everyone sees how wonderful you are, and that you deserve just as much love and respect as any other living being.
Hopefully some day people will understand how wonderful you and your kind are, and people will not be ridiculed for loving one such as you. Hopefully some day people who love beautiful birds like you will be able to talk about it without having people make distasteful comments about eating you. Hopefully your very own legacy will be to further that cause. I still talk about how awesome you were, even though it gets mixed reactions. There are some that appear to be starting to understand. Perhaps that wouldn't have happened without you, and the sad loss of you. You have made a difference with your life. Even if, so far, it is just a few people. Hopefully it will continue to grow.
If nothing else, you were one very well loved little girl who left a great big hole in one human's life. If that was your only legacy, it would be enough for me.
Please wait for me in Heaven. I look forward to seeing you there.
Gramma (Amy)
Dear Tevyn,
It's been six months since you left me, suddenly. I know you had an incurable neurological condition, but it is so unfair that you were here for only 18 months. I've never met a bunny quite like you - you loved everyone and everything. The photos I took of you with your canine brothers (and canine foster siblings too) warmed the hearts of many people - they told me so after you passed away. You were an educator; you taught people how intelligent and dynamic and loving bunnies could be. You showed people that life is to be respected, and shared with the ones we love. You made a difference.
I know I will never get over your passing. You were such a blessing to me. We had our routine, day after day, and we both knew it by heart. When I woke up in the morning, you'd be waiting outside my bedroom door with Ted. I'd pet you, then go downstairs for breakfast while you snoozed on the second stair from the top, waking occasionally an venturing downstairs to use your litter box in the pantry. You always waited in the kitchen for dinner, and at just the right time. I'd serve you your pellets and veggies, and you'd eat those right there next to the dogs while they ate their dinners too. After dinner, you'd stretch out on the cool tile, usually snuggled up next to Dylan. As the evening wore on, you'd hop up onto the couch and we'd watch TV together. Sometimes, I'd fall asleep on the couch, and wake up to the sound of you zooming around the room full speed, hopping a foot into the air in pure joy.
You were my baby boy, and I suppose you still are. You were my smallest love, at a mere 3 pounds. But you knew how to hang with the big boys. You were fearless. You were trusting. You loved unconditionally. You lived life the way I wish I could live life. I've been tainted by my experiences in this world; you never were. You always remained pure.
Your very last night, I knew I was losing you. I sat with you in my lap for most of the night. We fell asleep together. By the morning you were gone. I will always feel guilty for your life. I will always wonder why you didn't live a full, long life. It isn't fair that bunnies like you live lives of neglect, shut away in cages, lonely, sick, and suffering - and those bunnies make it longer than you did. It just isn't fair. For either of us. I loved you. I cared. I don't know why you left me. It breaks my heart every single day. Things aren't the same around here without you. Big Bunny misses you. You were her soul mate and she's made it very clear that she is not moving on from you either. She's doing ok, but you were it for her. People miss you. They miss your photos - the stories we told through them, the lessons we taught. You were such a wonderful advocate. You left such a legacy. But that's over now.
I know I have to move on. But I can't. I can't move on. I miss you. I love you.
Dear Clutch,
It will be two weeks on Tuesday since you went to rainbow bridge. Four weeks from the time we found out you were sick. We did not find out until you were gone that you had Cancer and nothing more could have been done. You never let us know that you were feeling bad and you were always there for me at night, right at my feet where you liked to sleep. I still remember picking you out of the litter. We bred your daddy just to get you- you were his gift to us. The two of you were my pride and joy. Always comforting me when I needed you, always patient with your little boy who loved to play between you. Your Aunt Nestles and your sister Domino spent days mourning your loss. The blank space in our home is evident. We remember you daily, the way you would sit on the couch like the rest of us, like a person. The way you protected our home and your boy from any harm that may come. You were always a true and loving soul, and we will always remember you and love you. I remember the little butterball you were when I picked you up from your canine Mommy's home. The way you trained your human Daddy on the rules of living with a doberman and how you bonded with every member of the family in your own way. Domino has taken over your place on the couch and tries her best to be brave when the mailman comes- she knows you taught her what you could, but she wants you to know that she is only a boxer with small teeth after all- but she is trying her best to do your teaching proud and barks at the mailman daily! Aunt Nestles has been diagnosed with spinal stenosis. The vet says she has about 6 months to a year before she won't be able to use her hind legs anymore. She is a strong girl as you know, but I want you to keep a place for her with you and the rest of the family at the bridge- be there to welcome her in. Finally, I want you to know how very much we all loved you- I think that you knew that all the time anyway. We know that we will meet you again one day, and we will all be a family close again. Until then, run, play, smell the flowers, be pain free, smile your funny little smile and give your daddy a big wet kiss for us. We miss you, you are very much loved.
Mom, Dad, Anthony, Domino & Nestles. XOXO