Dear DOJO,
Words can not convey the depth of loss I feel in my life, since you passed away at 9 years old from cancer. June 21st, 2013, the first day of Spring, and the day that I felt giving up on life. You comforted me when Dad died, then when we lost Mum. I would not have been able to get back on my feet after we lost Pat, if I had not been able to talk to you and cry into your fur, while you wrapped your skinny little leg around me in a hug. We were a team. You won Cesar Millans DOG OF THE YEAR 2011 for all your charity and therapy work. You ran the dog rescue with me and showed the lost souls how to be a good dog. You were my heart dog, my `go to` dog, for everything in life. Nothing is the same without you Doj. You were THEE Ambassador for Rottweilers, the gentlest and most compassionate dog I have ever met in my life. Every night you lay on my side of the bed to warm it up for me. You were my confidante, my trusted best friend, my strength, my joy, my love and my pride. You aced 6 levels of obedience, sometimes we didn`t have time for the practice so we`d stand in the parking lot of the training school 5 minutes before class and whip through some commands, you nailed everything in 30 seconds, lol, you were so easy to teach and so eager to please and help. People would laugh when they saw you in the front of the canoe with your eyes closed snoring so loud it echoed across the lake, canoeing always lulled you to sleep, lol. You kept me warm in the tent and I feared nothing or no one, even though you would never fight or even growl, you were the peacemaker. I lost all direction when you died.
Oh Dojo, you meant the world to me my big gentle boy. I miss you so much my Doj and love you forever. See you at the Rainbow Bridge. Thank you Doji.
Missing You,
Mummy x