This letter from Barbara,Joe,& Dundee to "Kellie" was written on Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dear "Kellie",

When you were 6wks. old I knew something was wrong with your eyes as they did not open all the way as your other 3 siblings.My husband said to go ahead and give you away to someone,but my heart said no.The Dr. said you had a birth defect and would never see in your lifetime,but for 17 wonderful years I had with you,you saw us.You were one Amazing little dog and never seemed to care or know you were different.You brought such joy and Love into our lives with you being here and Hubby nicknamed you "TweetHeart".When you were 4yrs. old I brought home a 6wks. old Pom,who we named and you knew as "Dundee".He was solid white like you and loved you so much.When you left us on 11/29/11 at the Drs. office and we brought you back home to "rest" Dundee still looks and searches for you.He got so bad after 3wks.of us both grieving I had to start paying attention to him,being the age of 13yrs. now ,I was afraid I would lose him too.He's doing a lot better ,but stays close to me.I can't bring myself to move your bed or blanket yet,I just want something of you still here.He gets in it every once in awhile checking your scent,and I still look toward it and can picture you there.I ordered you a beautiful grave marker and it has your picture ,poem,and a big Pink Heart on it,with your Nickname "TweetHeart."I'm trusting God to have a Place for wonderful creatures as you and I saw you in a dream and the sun was shining on you and you turned your head and Looked at me and actually saw me for the first time.I hope that was God's way of telling me He had you and you'll be fine.We'll never forget you My Kellie,and you are resting beside your Moma at the front of the yard where you use to chase squrriels that you could hear and not see.Lord help me when Dundee's time comes as I've turned All my affection to him,and he's become the most precious consoler I have,but I will place him beside you,where he stayed when you were here.You Look for me when my time comes as I will be Looking for you and all the others that's went on before you.For the first time you will be able to SEE me because you already know how much you were Loved and now Missed so badly,it just don't seem the same without you.Play in the Sun,TweetHeart" and we'll All be together again SomeDay,in God I'm Trusting that WILL Happen.Untill then We Love you,and You will Never be "Forgotten". Always in My Heart******Your Human Moma, Barbara & Dundee.

Missing You,

Barbara,Joe,& Dundee

This letter from Mommy to Shilo's Evening Rebel was written on Sunday, December 18, 2011
Shilo's Evening Rebel

Dear Shilo's Evening Rebel,

It has been 7 years, 9 months and 17 days since you left us. I still cry for you daily. Although Simon saved my sanity and gave me something to hold on to, you can never be replaced. My grief was so strong I did not want another puppy, but your daddy knew best what I always. I just want you to know that I eagerly await our reunion, when all of us will be together and whole again. I love your visits in my dreams. I believe I can actually feel your little nose on my ankle as you speak to me...yes, you have a voice in my dreams. I give you the treat you ask for (cheese, of course, your favorite) and then you tell me that you will be back. I am fiercely protective of Simon, as you know. I am so afraid I will lose him as I lost you. Time was too short for you, my Shilo. I will never forget you and I will forever love you. Just remember the last words you heard..."Mommy loves you, Shilo. Mommy loves you."

Always, Shilo, always...Mommy loves you.

Missing You,


This letter from Mommy Kristi to Salem was written on Sunday, October 30, 2011

Dear Salem,

You had to leave us so fast it feels as if you are still here. I walk around the house and I feel you following me. I know you were a silly smelly dog, but I would give anything to smell your smell in the house again. I find signs of you everywhere. I see your toys, I hear the jingle of your collar, my daughter laughs at something that isn't there. I know you will protect her just as you always did before. Whenever she would cry, you would be there. Just like me. You were there for me whenever I would cry. We went through so many good and bad times together. You got me through it all. I was glad to be there with you near the end. Please help your Grandma. She is taking your passing really hard. We all love you so much. I just want you to be happy. We are keeping your favorite green puppy safe. I know how much you loved it. We miss you so much. It is not the same when we get home. We miss you jumping all over us. You were the best friend I could ever have. Thank you for being there for our family. You were part of our family and you will always be. From the first day I laid eyes on you I knew I loved you. Not just as a dog, but as my furry kid. I will show Quinn all of your pictures, and share all of the wonderful memories of you. Of the Elvis face you would make, how you loved to sniff her face, and how much you loved your girls (Grandma, me, and Quinny). I am letting you go Salem. You will forever be in my heart. I love you Bubba!


Mommy Kristi

This letter from Vrouwtje to Snowball was written on Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dear Snowball,

It's five days and three hours since you passed away in my arms. I miss you so much it hurts physically. You were my sweet, pretty girl - we found you and your puppies when you were roaming the streets more than 11 years ago. We found homes for your pups and you quickly settled in with us - but it took years for you to really relax. We got there, though, and we moved into a wonderful life together - you, your doggie "siblings" Cooper and Foster, myself and Baasje (Dutch for dog-daddy). When you were diagnosed with bone cancer almost six months ago and given two weeks to live we were devastated, but determined to make your last weeks the best possible. You kept surprising us, and we kept taking you new places - Starbucks, Three Dog Bakery, lakes and parks, Washington DC.... we learned you adored traveling as long as it was with us.

You started to decline faster a few weeks ago when you lost your ability to hobble (you could not walk well but hopped on three legs for months) and you could not hold your business anymore. We thought it would compromise your quality of life but you just looked at it as a way to give and receive more love. When we would change your diaper you would lie on your back, smile your beautiful doggie smile, and relish the extra attention and love you were getting. You taught me so much: how to be happy with what life gives you, how to live life in the present, how to be gracious and tender and courageous. You loved to be with us more than anything else. When you stopped eating and drinking last Thursday we realize your poor broken body was shutting down and you were going to suffer unless we helped you across the Rainbow Bridge. We took you to your favorite lake and I spent all afternoon hugging you, singing to you, cuddling you and you - you smiled your amazing smile and were happier than I have ever seen you. The picture with us shows your complete trust and your love with abandon - I cry every time I see it. Baasje and your doctor joined us there and you fell asleep in my arms, secure in our love, reveling till the end in the presence of your Vrouwtje and Baasje. I wanted to run away with you. I wanted to do anything except the horrible decision we had to make. I love you so much, and I miss you every second of every day.

You are and always will be my pretty girl. Please wait for me, I will come find you. Sweet Snowball, your love for us knew no bounds, and our love for you had no limits, either. We will carry on in your memory. We will go on "adventures" with Cooper and Foster, and we will cherish and celebrate your life. And one day we will be reunited. I just don't know how to make it until then.... the world is a darker place now.



This letter from mom to Muzzy was written on Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Dear Muzzy,

it has been a year and a half since you left my side. i just want you to know that i miss you. you were the best dog i could have ever asked for you were taken to soon only 4 years old not nearly enough time with you. just wanted to write this letter and let you know that we think of you everyday gone but never forgotten. love you



This letter from Mom to Angus was written on Saturday, August 27, 2011

Dear Angus,

We lost you today. Since we got you as a baby and thought of you as a baby, it never really occurred to us that you wouldn't outlive us. Parents don't outlive their children. I knew this morning that this would be your last day on earth and I watched everything you did. I have tried so hard to remember everything about you. You went very peacefully and I am so grateful for that. I know it had to happen, and I guess that you knew it, too.

I can't tell you how much the loss of you has devastated me. I see you everywhere. I hope you are happy and pain-free where you are now. Don't forget us. We will never forget you.



This letter from Sarah to Mohawk was written on Monday, July 11, 2011

Dear Mohawk,

I can't believe your really gone, it still doesn't seem real to me. You were only sixteen months old when you went to live with Jesus. I can't eat or sleep and the spot on my bed is empty. My heart is forever broken when I see only one cat sleeping on the rocking chair. And when I cry there is nobody to wipe the tears off my face with their fluffy grey hair. I love it when you would wake up in the night and rub against my face and purr, and curl up by my face. I love it when you jump on my back when I come home from a long day, I love the sound of your purring, and the sound of your meow, and the way you look at me with your eyes when I open a container of yogurt for breakfast. I miss watching you try to catch the bugs on the grass, or stalk the leaves that blow in the wind. I miss watching you and Tigger "fight" and "wrestle". I miss seeing you in the tree's, and watching you torture mice that bravely wander into our yard. I miss the way you sniffed my nose when I would call your name and ask for a kiss. I miss seeing little grey paws appear under the door while I am in the bathroom. I Love chasing you around the house and when you jump into boxes and hide in them and pretend I can't see you! (even though the box is open) I miss taking you on car rides. I miss the squeaky sound you made whenever you were stalking something (lazer light, bugs mice, leaves etc.). I miss the way you would look at me and respond to me whenever I was talking to you, I miss the conversations we had. You taught me how to love others, and how to be tough when hard times came. You taught me that there is always loving you and waiting for you to come home. There are no words to describe my love for you. But never forget that I LOVE YOU. And I know we will see eachother again someday, and I will once again be able to cradle you in my arms.

Missing You,


This letter from Chloe to Sweetheart was written on Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dear Sweetheart,

I have refused to think about your death and life for so long because it broke me down that winter night... it broke my heart, I was so lost. I am so, so sorry. I wasn't there for you when you needed me most, I am so sorry. You have no idea how much I hate my cowardliness for not being there while you died. I was so afraid of my emotions, of how I might react, I had never allowed myself to feel that deeply before. You gave me freedom my beautiful girl. The stable didn't like us very much but that was okay... for the first time to me that was okay if someone didn't like me, because I had you. You were the most spirited mare in the whole place, no one could run faster and no one had as much zest for life. To this day I wish I spent more time with you than I did, I let life and all it's complications take me away from you. Please please forgive me for leaving you. I had to go away for a while, I loved you very much... I just couldn't stay. I wasted two years away from you and I was too ashamed to see you because I felt like I had abandoned you. I love you so much and I wish you were still here today so that I could tell you that. You were the most amazing companion I could have ever asked for. I only wish that I could have been that for you. As I touched your still warm body they said you had passed just a few moments before I got there. It was like you were still alive, your body was still warm, I wanted the whole world to disappear because I had lost my shelter and my friend. You were an extension of my soul, that is how I saw you and now I hope you are in peace, I hope you are up there with Jesus and he is stroking your nose and you have fields to run through. You deserve the world my queen. One day I hope you can forgive me for abandoning you. I can only promise you this... I swear that from this day forward I will make it a duty and calling to care with as much of my time and energy as I can for all animals I am blessed to encounter. I am about to adopt a horse named Cheif, I struggled with how you might feel about it but I believe that you would have been okay with it. You would have liked him. He will teach me much and I know that... but he will never take your place. You will always be my little Arabian free spirit, my queen, my teacher my friend. I love you, I love you so much. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.

Forever always in my heart. Forever always a part of my soul.



This letter from owner Ali to Hannah was written on Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Dear Hannah,

I never knew how much damage i would have when you left.I knew you wanted to leave,you were in so much pain.And it hurts me to say that for my satisfaction i made you stay with me when really it wasn't about me being happy it was about you.i kept you her trapped in pain just so i was happy when you weren't happy and you were in i am so sorry.You had a great long life for a dog with arthritis that could barley walk,a heart mum er,brain cancer,and water in you lungs.You ment the world to me,i wish i spent every waking secound with you,i know i didnt now that im older,and no matter what i did or or what i said you always loved were my best friend,probably my favorite (person) in the family.Even if people said that dogs dont go to heaven,i know that god would make a special place in heaven just for you.I miss you so much.


owner Ali

This letter from mitch & stella too. to TrixieLU was written on Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dear TrixieLU,

Dearest dearest BabyLU. Thank you for making your way to me. We only had 16 months together, but I could not have asked for a sweeter, funnier, more loving little terrier to guard over me and fill my days with fun. I couldn't believe when the shelter asked me to take you home - after the other dogs, you were kind of like having a cat! SO small, but fierce, oh my lord you were fierce. And SO determined. And so funny. And so so so loving. I loved kissing your little snout and I treasured our special greeting every single morning. I loved stopping at Tim's to buy donuts just for you and I loved pulling other dogs' hair out of your teeth when you thought they'd get too close to me. I slept in bed last night - first time in weeks. I will miss you getting me up for your pee at 5AM and I'll miss how you came to me for comfort time and again, esp these last weeks together, when you were feeling so rough. I'd do anything LU, to take away your discomfort and your fear. Please, please be on the other side and wait for me. It's truly all I want from this life, is to see you, and all my dogs again. Please god, make it so. I love you little one. I just love you so.


mitch & stella too.