This letter from J to Josie was written on Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Dear Josie,

You were our family.

I loved you so much. You were such a good companion to me, and my partner in crime for such a long period of my life. I loved coming home to your joyful presence and cannot express how much you comforted me.

You were the sweetest dog I have ever met. So snuggly, perceptive and wise. You took such good care of me, and I hope you know how much you were loved.

Saying goodbye is one of the hardest things I have done. I tried to be there for you as you have been there for me. I’m so grateful that I got to witness your whole life. What an amazing thing.

I will miss you every time I take a walk. I will see you in the imprint you left on Ellie. Andre and I will always think of you and miss you as part of our family.

You were so stoic throughout your whole life and up until the end. You were surrounded by the people who love you most, and I hope that comforted you. I know you didn’t understand what was happening. I think you knew or could feel that your body was aging. You outlived all predictions, and I want to thank you for your strength and for giving us so much borrowed time.

I love you, and I will miss you.



This letter from Mama to Bodie boy was written on Saturday, January 11, 2025
Bodie boy

My sweet Bodie boy,

It has been one month since you have been gone. The pain is so deep I can hardly stand it. I cry just about every day. I don’t want to accept you are gone. The separation anxiety is so bad. I know I need to let you go but I don’t know how.

I see you everywhere. Everything in this dam house reminds me of you. You never left my side. I try to think happy thoughts about you, but it just makes the tears start. How can you be gone at such a young age. You were suppose to be here me and papa.

I love you so much and miss you so much!

My sister got me a stuffed French bulldog and I hold him every night wishing it was you. I pray that God will take the pain away.

My friends tell me this hurt is normal and will take time. I feel like it is never going to go away.

One bright spot is papa and I have put our name in for another fur baby. They will never replace you! Maybe though it will help me heal. It won’t be for another 7 or so months and hopefully everything will be better.

For now my sweet Bodie I’ll try to remember the fun times we had together. I love you till I leave this earth!

Missing you,


This letter from Mama to Bear was written on Tuesday, January 7, 2025

My sweet Bear,

My little guy. You were only 8 months old. You had so much life ahead of you, and I always blame myself for not taking better care of you. I know the last couple weeks of your life you were in pain and I'm sorry I didn't notice sooner. We did what we thought was best by laying you to rest and I hope you understand. I'm not a believer in God but I hope one day we'll be reunited. I can't accept that I'll never be with you again.

You were my shadow and went everywhere I did even if it was just a few steps. You'd lay under my desk when I'd work. You'd wait for me outside the bathroom door if I locked you out. Now I wish I never did. The house feels so empty without you. I've never felt this type of anguish before and I'm so lonely without you. Every night I turn to your crate and cry that you're not asleep by my side. I think about you all the time and wake up hoping everything was nightmare. Everyone who met you loved you, even if you were a little crazy for them. I cherished your happy-go-lucky and goofy nature. You were so smart and full of joy.

Thank you for giving me the best six months of my life. Thank you for the goodbye kisses. Thank you for allowing me to be your mama. There will never be another boy like you. I know you loved me as much as I love you.



This letter from Andrea aka Mama Cat to Chai Chai was written on Thursday, December 26, 2024
Chai Chai

To Chai Chai,

Chai, my stanka, Mimi and I miss you so much. We didn’t want you to continue to suffer! I hope you forgive us as we are forgiving ourselves. We are thankful to have you in our lives for 13 years. You brought us so much joy, funny moments and cuddle moments. I remember when I would teach classes and you would quietly sleep in the chair next to me. I remember when Mimi moved in and you would wake her up at 5 in the morning to feed you. You had us wrapped around your paw prints! We are missing you so much. We cried so hard and still crying after making the decision to let you go in a peaceful and loving manner. Everyone misses you including Papa. You will forever be my first fur baby and I will forever love you and the memories and unconditional love and support we shared!


Andrea aka Mama Cat

This letter from Your only slave to Baby MingMing was written on Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Baby MingMing

Dear Baby MingMing,

It's Christmas day today. It's my first Christmas without you. I can still remember just a week ago when you slept beside me to make me feel loved. And just 2 days ago when you asked for help because you can't stand peeing your bed anymore 😞 I'm sorry you had to go. I miss you everyday. I hope the euthanasia comforted you and that you are free of pain. I wish I could be with you. If only there's a way we could be together forever. Doing the things we love together. Meditating, crocheting, annoying each other, sleeping together, watching Bojack Horseman together, listening to podcasts together... I didn't realize we have been together for 15 years. It seemed like a very short time. I'm sorry we couldn't extend your life up to 30 or more. Science hasn't made that possible yet. I've been crying a lot since you got weak and sick. We both know it will come to this eventually. Aging sucks. You taught me how to love a daughter because that's how you feel like for me, especially when you were young. And you also taught me how to love a grandma since that's how it felt like when you aged. I cried way more for you than for my own grandparents. Isn't that strange? I hope you're ok there. I know you're in kitty heaven. You've been the best pet ever. I've never had a pet like you. When I was a kid, my stuffed kitten looked like you and having you was a dream come true. I'm still very sad but I'll be ok. I should be okay, right? I'll never forget you. 😞 Merry Christmas! I hope you got all you want and whatever you wish for. Thanks for being part of my life.


Your only slave

This letter from Rix 💕 to My Jolene was written on Saturday, December 21, 2024
My Jolene

Sweet My Jolene,

My sweet baby kitty, you deserve the world and I regret ever setting you down. I wish I could have every moment held in my mind forever. I wish I could have you back but not at your expense. I’m so glad you aren’t suffering anymore baby girl. Rest in piece my JoJo kitty 🕊️💕💕 I love you so much.

Missing you,

Rix 💕

This letter from Mom to Little Bodie Boy was written on Saturday, November 9, 2024
Little Bodie Boy

My sweet Little Bodie Boy,

You left us just yesterday and I can’t believe the pain I am in. How can one small soul bring so much joy, love and hope into a home.

You arrived just before covid and kept your papa and I laughing through it all. You were our rock and salvation.

The many hours of antics gave us so much joy. You followed me everywhere and when I was away you moped at the window till I came home.

How can you be gone so soon? I remember when you brought me this flower when we were sitting on the deck. You brought many things for treats and I loved every minute.

What makes it so much more difficult is that your death should have been prevented. My grieving is bone deep and I will miss you till I leave this earth.

I love you with all my being. Rest well my sweetheart till we meet again.



This letter from Jon to coco was written on Saturday, November 9, 2024

Sweet coco,


Sweet coco,

It has been 2 days since you passed.The hurt hasn't gotten any better and letting go of my grief will not be easy. Somehow inside I fear if I do I'll forget you even though I know I never will.

You and I went through a lot together. We survived being stranded during Hurricane Sandy, we survived being quarantined together when I tested positive for Covid , we had good times and bad. Whenever I needed to unload I would talk to you and even though I know you didn't understand I always felt better. Man, you were a good listener.

I told you I would always protect you but time and age defeats all. We are no different but I still feel like I failed you.

I look around the house and still expect to see you there. I probably will for sometime.

You brought me a lot of happiness and comfort and I will always love you for that

You will always be my sweetie



This letter from Jon to coco was written on Saturday, November 9, 2024

Sweet coco,

Today is Thanksgiving. I don't feel like I have much to give thanks for but I do.

I'm trying to think past your passing and remember how thankful I am to have the time I had with you. You were the one constant in my life, I miss that. All that I feel now is empty.



This letter from Cal Walker to Bodhie was written on Saturday, November 9, 2024

My sweet Bodhie,


I miss you every single second of every single day since you left this world, me and Connor. I am in so much pain without you, but I feel some peace knowing that you are with God and that you are no longer hurting or in pain and are now able to do the things that you were not able to in your last few months. I want you to know that you are genuinely the best thing that has ever happened to me and more. You have given me a purpose and you have showed me the true meaning behind love and what it is to love someone. I love you more than words could ever possibly express. I look forward each minute and day now to reuniting with you again. I wish I could give you your three kisses each morning and night and sniff your sweet sweet nose. I miss everything about you. Everything. Please know how much I love you. I will never let go and Connor will not either. I will do and be right for and by you. Thank you for simply being you. I couldn't ask for a better son, "person" as a pet, dog, baby, best friend, and boy.


Cal Walker