Dear Bella,
I'm sometimes sad,
I miss your endless grace
A delicate feline
with white and grey face
You were Turkish Angora
Yet found on the street
A dainty fey puzzle
with small furry feet
You had a long life,
Of love faith and wonder
What miracle, Bella, did we live under
And you were the first
You started it all
A Cat with green eyes
If I can recall
You're my inspiration
My familar it's true
You, my kitty fey spirit
You were just you
You walked in the door
You were meant to stay
You weaved our spirits together
They're together today
You were an Emmisary of love
Of hope and of faith
You're part of my Self
You were always great
And so the cats come,
Shy fosters and more
You pushed open the way
You led through the door
Ruffy and Smokie, Prinny, and Nat
CK and fosters
All the magick of Cat
A Turkish Angora
Who slept on Daddy at night
Purring through all
You made it all right.
I remember your play,
I remember the way
You would stretch out in sun puddles
Though most of the day
I remember you chasing
The string along mice
Through winter hallways
Of twilight and ice
Napping with Daddy,
Grooming my hand
Through the scariest of surgery
That was never planned.
You were the first, my fur child it's so
My reason for living and for letting you go
You were the first, of all lovely cats
My little Bella, you're a miracle at that
You were the first, you started it all
I miss you Bella in the wonder of Fall
I picked up your ashes, your pawprint in clay
Where are you Bella, are you ions away?
Do you run through green fields
With Gump, Tiger and friends?
Do you find ways back here cause it can't be 'the end'.
I watch our Ruffy, as he closes his eyes
A low rumbling purr, do the others realize?
That you were the first, my soul mate for sure
A million memories wrapped in meows and purrs
The places where you lay, the others now claim
Thats the way of cats, and they aren't to blame
Living in the moment, pacing through all time
Creatures of mystery, comedy sublime
You started it all, Miss Plume tail it's so
I wish that I didn't have to let go
But it had come time, you told us that
Such is the way of a fey gray and white cat
You could see the others through the portal whence you came
So many years ago a kitten without your name
So you leapt up and out, following Alex I know,
I sensed her in the room, and I watched you go
A last little glimpse of a furry plume tail
As you turned for a second and looked back through the veil
And I smiled through the grief and through many tears
I said I love you Bella, my best friend for years
I'll miss you my Bella, how to say thank you
for the miracle in fur-you started Rescue
And now as I sit here, with a list before me
Of cats needing homes, so many, you see
But I feel you at my shoulder, you brush the air
My Patron Saint of Fur, you make us care
For yes, in the words of Ruffy, he of orange fur
We can't give up, yes trust miracles occur
You were the first cat in from the cold
A small funny feline with eyes that were old
My daughter familar, wrapped in lovely fur
Now I can imagine that I hear your purr
As I watch cats in the window, on the bed with your dad
And somehow, blithe spirit....I know you'd be glad.
D.A.H.K October 10, 2012....the day we got Bella's ashes back...
I will love you my little Bellisimo forevrer.
For and Always
Mommy and Daddy
Dear Shyanne,
It has now been over 3 weeks since we last were together and I am finally at a place where I can speak about the impact that your absence in my life has had on me. From the very first day you came into my world, not a day thereafter went by that I did not learn from you. You taught me how to love again and kissed all of my tears as I went through a loss and a time in my life that I had always thought would be the hardest, but I now know that not be the case. Never did a day go by that we both did not give and received unconditional love from each other. You lifted my spirit every day and gave me strength where I could not find it for myself. The only certainty is that I woke up every single morning with more love in my heart for you than the day before. I miss your stinky breath and your chewy cheeks and holding your paws. I miss our endless snuggles, laughter, play time. I miss feeding you and bathing you and blow drying you. I even miss your 20 minute poops, they were such an amazing lesson in patience for me. You gave me my zen moment --every day. I never even thought about the possibility of not having you physically in my life and you were torn from our life together way to soon! Tragic does not even begin to articulate what happened to you but it is your spirit that guides me to find the light where I only want to see dark. There are bad people in this world and I must accept that. I chose my profession based upon the love and respect that I feel towards animals and always wanted to advocate for their humane care and treatment. I just honestly never thought I would have to do it because of personal reasons. I vow to you my baby girl, that I will make a change. The laws for cruelty (which in NJ date back to the 1800's), must change and in your honor, I will do everything in my power to work towards that change. In the short 31/2 years that I was blessed to have your presence in my life, I learned more about life than anything else has ever taught me, I am eternally grateful to you and oh so sorry. It has been said that grief and love are directly proportionate. I know this to be true because the hole that has been left in my heart feels boundless, just like the love that I had for you. I am confident that every day of your life, you knew you were loved, immensely. You are the sweetest sould that I have ever had the opportunity to be with and I am so very thankful for having you in my life. I will carry your spirit with me in my heart and in my soul. I will continue to love, because that is what you taught me. I will stay in the moment and not dwell in the past, because that is what you taught me. I will have compassion, sympathy and empathy for those that are not good, because that is what you taught me. And if I had a tail, I'd wag it every day in yout honor, because that is what you taught me. I remember when I adopted you and I asked the woman what you were like and she said, she's just so grateful. I will go on every day of my life being grateful, because that is what you taught me. Because of you, I am grateful for what I have had, what I currently have and what is yet to come. Shyanne- I will miss you every day of my life and I am just so grateful to have had the time we did. I love you so very much angel.
Tracy Stanton
Dear Charlie,
There are so many things I want to say to you but I should start with I am so sorry I wasn't there when you got out of the yard and disappeared. I'm sorry I couldn't find you. Where did you go? What did you do? You must have been so scared. I'm sorry you aren't home where you belong. I promised to love and protect you for the rest of your life and I failed. Not at loving you, for I will do that for the rest of my life. You are always in my thoughts. I miss you nudging me with your nose to pet you...I miss your barking from another room to get attention...I miss sharing ice cream and treats with you. I miss our cuddles and hugs...I miss your gentleness...I even miss you waking me up too early on my day off. You have a part of my heart no one else can have. And even though your brothers and sisters are still at home and I love them too, I am having difficulty going home each day and not seeing you. Not being able to pet you or rub your belly. I pray each and every day that you will find your way back to me, but if for some reason you don't, I want you to be safe and happy. You are so dear to me and I am so very grateful for having been a part of your life. If you take nothing else with you from this world, please take the knowledge that you are loved and cherished. I love you Charlie Bean and miss you more than words can say... please, please come home.
Dear El ,
It has only been a day since the vet came and took you away from me. It was, perhaps, the right decision despite being one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. I didn’t want you to suffer. I didn’t want you to waste away. I hope you understand but somehow doubt you do. I doubt everything right now.
The selfish part of me wants you to still be here, to help sooth my own suffering. Within an hour of your death I couldn’t think about anything except my desire to hold you, hug you, kiss the top of your head and hear you purr. But I couldn’t. I still can’t. I never will again. Sadly, (this is something I shouldn’t admit, even to you, Chubby girl), because I couldn’t hold you I collected a ball of the fur you left behind and I held that. It didn’t help, of course. It was kind of gross, and frankly, it wasn’t you, it was simply another thing you’d left behind.
For such a little kitty, the empty space you’ve left behind is enormous.
My beautiful girl, I miss you.
Dear Lizzy,
I miss you so much. It has been 356 days since I last held you.I hope you know how much I loved you. I can't believe that you are not here with us anymore. You were so much more than a "pet." People don't understand what you meant to me and our family. You were a part of that family. I feel as if I let you down. I hope you understand that we felt you were suffering. You seemed so stressed and just wandered the house, not knowing where you were at. I was so afraid that you would hate me for having to take you to the vet and put an end to your suffering. I hated every second of making the decision. I still regret having to do it. I will never forget leaving the vet's office without you; I know how much you hated to go to "doggie jail." The other day I came home and thought you were here for a second, instead it was Nick's dog, Ozzie, who came to visit. It was just another reminder how much I miss you. I know Katy misses you so much too. We can barely talk about you, without crying. I don't think I will ever get over missing you. I was thinking about you last night, and the way you used to burrow under the blankets. You loved your blankie! And then there were your sockies! Boy, did you use to have fun with those sockies. And the "claw" that made you growl, it was so fun. I will never forget you ever Lizzy... I miss you so much my baby girl. You taught me so much. I love you always and forever.
Dear Chancer,
"The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face"
I remember seeing you for the very first time, sitting on the front step with Billy. I fell in love with you and never stopped loving you.
Where are you, baby? Come home.....
I have to learn to be grateful for the ten years I had with you...thank you, my little angel.
Dear Chancer,
Hi baby. Iv'e been writing to you almost everyday since you've been gone. Miss you every single minute. Your being gone is a fact that runs around in my head, something I try to ignore, but sometimes it grabs a hold of me and I have to think about the empty space in my heart and life. I hope you are happy, my little angel.
Dear Kalo,
Kalo, you have been gone for almost 3 months and it still puts a physical hurt in my chest. I don't think I can ever get over you and the way you passed. It will always haunt me.
Your mama and daddy had another litter of pups the day before you passed and God sent me a sweet little angel to help with the pain. Her name is Shayla and she is such a sweetie, just like you. But I hold her and cry for you. I love her very much, but am having a really hard time with your death.
I miss our cuddle time and your funny antics. I hope you have found the peace you were looking for. Love and miss you buddy.
Missing You,
Dear Chief,
I never planned on getting a dog that day I went to the SPCA with my sister....but the moment I saw you there I KNEW you were meant to be with me. I left you there that day but could not stop thinking about you, and ultimately my heart guided me back to you. 1 day before you were to be euthanized due to the crazy fact that no one else wanted to adopt you, you came home with me. And from then on, we lived 12 wonderful years together!!!!!
From the start, it was just me and you Chiefy. Then came the rest of our family......Jamie, Mateo and Kingston.
You and I had some crazy adventures together, there were so many times that you should not have made it home, chasing coyotes, bears, motorbikes, running off into the mountains doing what you LOVED to free. But Chief you always came back to me, always. I'm so happy that we had such adventure. I hope you enjoyed it all. And please know I did everything I could to give you the best life possible. You came first bud.
Despite all the odds of your wild ways, you lived to be 13. It was so hard when we first noticed you getting stiff and sore after a long walk, and for the next 3 years we watched you slowly be able to do less and less untill the day came where you could hardly go out for a walk at all. Knowing how much you loved to be outdoors, it killed me to go out with Kingston and leave you at home. I felt so much guilt, and I still do. Even when you did go out and it was so hard for you to walk, you still had the drive and tried so hard to chase the kong, or play with Kingston. We knew that with your will and determination you would never totally give up. You were such a proud dog.
Chief you and I had a very special bond right from the moment we met eachother, and that bond can never be broken. You were my first real, true love. I miss you so much. It was so hard to make the final decision, i struggled with it so much, it killed me and it still does...but deep down I know that you couldn't go on anymore, it was just getting worse and it wasnt fair to keep you around for my own selfish reasons. I am so happy that you passed peacefully at home, in your bed, with me holding you. I hope you know that I did this, the hardest thing I have ever had to do, out of love and only love.
I asked you to give me a sign when you got "there", told you to knock something down...and you did knock that picture of you and Benson down, didn't you? I'm so happy to know that you two best buds are together again.
I love you so much Chief, and I am so heartbroken to be here at home without you physically here with me. Your presence is so greatly missed. There will never be one day where I don't think about you or miss you. I know you are running around somewhere, with Benson, pain free, and happy. And one day, we will meet again and I can't wait to wrap my arms around you. I love you so much, you have brought so much happiness into my life.
Hugs and kisses my Chiefy chooka.
Dear Hampton ,
We miss you dearly and wish you are safe in heaven with Pushkin and we love you
beth Ann weaver and mckenna Evangeline weaver and maybe Denise too
Missing You,
beth weaver and denise