Dear Spencer,
For 17 1/2 years you were our son. You saw us through grief, loss, tragedy and also joy. You were always the light of my life. You were "my sunshine". My heart feels overwhelmingly empty without you. Your Dad is being very patient. The other morning I was in the bath, you know I love the bath and I looked over to find you and there you were sleeping under my pajamas like you always did. Of course, I realized it wasn't really you but it looked like you. We always found some peace there, together. The house is so empty without you. I miss you every day. I know you didn't want to leave and I know that it was time for you to leave. You were so brave and hung on so long I hope you have found peace as I am sure you have. If there is a heaven and I hope that there is; then I hope that you have found your Grandma's and are sitting by their side. I love you and I miss you. I promise to be better because, I know if you were here you would insist I not be sad.
Mom and Dad