My sweet Molly-Moo,
Baby girl. Princess. I'm heartbroken as I write this. It's been only a couple of days since I found you lifeless at the bottom of the pool. It never should have been that way - you didn't deserve that. I promised to always take care of you and never let you be scared and I feel like I let you down. You were always there for me and I feel like I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most. I will never know what really happened but I pray you didn't suffer or feel any pain and you went peacefully. In the days leading up to your passing you had stopped eating and you weren't really acting like yourself. I wondered if you were trying to tell me it was your time - maybe it was. Maybe you didn't want me to be there when you passed - maybe you wanted to spare me in that moment. I'll never know for sure.
I hope you know how much I loved you and still love you. You came into my life when I needed you the most - and you chose me as your person. You were always so sweet and precious even though you had a little attitude thrown in. You didn't like strangers and usually took awhile to warm up to people but you showed the sweetest love to the those you cared about. You were such a good girl. I have so many wonderful memories and pictures of you.
We miss you terribly. I think your brother misses you too - he looks for you or sniffs around your bed sometimes. He loved you as much as we did. You will be in our hearts forever. Remember, Mama loves you.
Love always,
Mama, Jen, and Phoenix